Jan 29, 2009

The American Dream - {I can speak a little stupid}

"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it."
Ellen Goodman

Don't we all grow up wanting to get married, own a home with a white picket fence, have a dog and 2.5 children? Well, don't we? It's that same image that has been crammed down the throats of generations of Americans almost since the time of our forefathers. What is so desirable about this happenstance? I for one just cannot understand it. Firstly, owning a home is not worth the hassle. Why pay the same amount, if not more, per month to a mortgage when you can rent and not be liable to fix anything that breaks. You don't have to cut the lawn, take care of the shrubs, or worry about leaky roofs! Sure you won't have four wooden walls on a tiny plot of land to say is yours, but I can live without that.

Then there's marriage, and kids. Ugh. Who says everyone has to get married? Can't we just revel in our solitude? Sure we're all social animals, but that doesn't mean we have to push the envelope and live with these other animals! Honestly. And kids! Let's not get started on kids.

But the whole topic for this post is based on Mariane's comment in game the other day:

You know, Mari is completely right:

"It's that damned culture of the 'self' that comes with the American way"

And you know what, I would go one step further and say that that IS the American way. If it's not beneficial for me then why should I do it? It's a horrible way to go about life and relationships, but sadly it is what our culture has evolved into. Perhaps the epitome of this is New York, New York. Now, I've only ever met fantastically nice people from there, but the way the 'common' New Yorker is portrayed is not a very nice picture. They are bossy, rude, and care only about their own needs and wants. While I hope that New Yorkers are a hyperbole of the rest of Americans, I am proven wrong more and more everyday.

And this American Attitude is easily transferred into the world of Vana'diel. Why help so-and-so with their limit break quest? What benefit do you get for helping them level higher? Practically nothing. It is natural sociological behavior for any animal, human included, to not repeat acts that reap no reward. FFXI is a sobering view of how other countries actually feel about Americans. They tolerate us, but our own arrogance and self-centeredness has scared away any friends that we might have once had. Oh, but they're still 'friends', but only because we, believe it or not, are still a powerful country military-wise.

I shall leave you with this quote to ponder and, hopefully, put into action; not only in-game, but in life aswell:
"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you."
Diana Spencer

Jan 26, 2009

If your period is ever as late as my posts, you're probably preggers.

Okay so I know I'm really super late on this post, considering Wednesday I posted my political thing, and told you to expect one Thursday or Friday, and it's not Monday, but... don't hate me. As soon as I come up with a good excuse I'll let you guys know. Oh, and I have no idea how this post is so short, there's such a long span of time you'd think I would have more screen shots. Either I'm slacking, or the ls is. I blame them, naturally.

To start things off, my damn Moogle is eating my fish! Wtf Moogle, wtf!

Then I would like to congratulate Jokul on 75 Emo - errr Drk.

And a big congratulations to Star for finally getting his Yinyang robe! It only took 11 days too! (But notice how the first one where I'm there and they get claim that star gets the drop! I'm freakin' amazing guys!)

Then congratulations to me! For unlocking Mordant Rime and finally doing blm Af1! (Only 12 levels late, gosh, you guys should expect this kind of stuff from me by now :P)


We haven't done Nyzul in a long time, but I have these pictures from last week Sunday. Yeah look how lucky we get.... Oh and Aku is always confused, That is probably the third time he rolled and said he won, but he won the first one, so he can't win again. It's okay though, it provided good entertainment!

See what I mean? A very very short post. Oh, but the Quote of the week award goes to..... :O It's a tie! Between Maho and Saronys! Congratulations you two!


Jan 20, 2009

Optimistic Cynic

So after watching the Inauguration in my lit class one student asks another student "So who'd you vote for" and he replies "Oh I didn't want Obama or Mccain to win, I voted for Mickey Mouse".

I really should have said something then, but believe it or not, I'm very passive and shy. I know what you're thinking, Oprahruru shy? Pish, Posh! But it's true. Writing/typing gives me an outlet that, for some reason, makes me feel less judged then if I did it in person. Plus I'm a gossip, and feel better doing things behind peoples backs. But you all knew that. But back to the story at hand!

I wanted to turn to this kid and say something along the lines of "Way to give up what it means to be American" and then I would've laid into him with some long spiel about starving kids in Africa and Communisim in China or dictatorships in (North?) Korea. But I didn't. And honestly, he's not worth my time. If he went to all the trouble to vote for Mickey Mouse then obviously no amount of verbal bashing was going to change his mind.

And this is why I worry about the youth of the world. We look at our libirties as a right of birth, when in reality they should be looked at as a privlige. We've had it too good for too long. This reccession will hopefully be a nice big slap in the face to the youth and to what it really means to be American.

The FFXI update will be tomorrow or Thursday... We'll see.

Jan 15, 2009

Witty Title About Procrastination

Don't you just love FFXI landscapes? I do.

So I've updated so often on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays I'm thinking about just changing my routine to updating on Thursday. But, knowing me, if I do that I'm not going to update until Friday or Saturday. Oh and just for the record, je deteste la neige! Freakin' -6° when I had to leave mah house. It's not right, it's just not right.

Oh, and I've given up on 'Quote of the Week' because I can't just pick one, so click on down to the Quote section and enjoy them all equally.

Anyway let's go through a quick rollcall of congratulations. Firstly, Sindar, for unlocking Retribution :D
Next, Lola, Jokul, Aku, and me for obtaining Lance corporal Rank :D
Lastly, Congratulations to Jokul for unlocking the blm mythic weaponskill, the name escapes me right now, but it looks cool :D

Okay now congratulations to me, and thank you to Kobetai for helping me with both of these NMs, Moldy Earring and Jelly Ring - Got!


Um... I think the pictures are self explanitory, Congratulations to Schutz and Treabor :D

Honestly there's not much more to write. I think I lost some screenshots somewhere, but I guess this is all there is. School has started up again, so less ff = less ss = smaller posts. Unless you all want to hear my warped opinions on life? No? I didn't think so. But maybe I'll get bored and actually treat this like a *real* blog. We'll see.
