Oct 29, 2008


He was a genius - that is to say, a man who does superlatively and without obvious effort something that most people cannot do by the uttermost exertion of their abilities.
But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
- Carl Sagan

Now you may be wondering why I picked these quotes... well... I have a confession. I'm a genius.

Hahahahah yeah right. No. I started things off with these quotes because it's been quite the uneventful week in FFXI, for me anyways, so I'm trying to kill time/space.

Incase any of you are wondering, yes. Just yes. Kobe is raping me. Not even in death are we safe from Kobetai!!! haha. No, some stupid beetles decided to turn around when I was trying to pull a bat and then I ran towards the bat and aggroed it haha. So in other words, please remember to spay and neuter your Tarutarus.

Anyway last week we gave ToAU Puppet in Peril a run for it's money and failed. So we tried again this week. Thanks to Treabor, Lola, Jokul, and Schutz we beat up that mean Mamool. All in all an easy fight if you have enough DD. Oh and Chainspell Stun is nice too. Oh Yeah! And I merited Devotion, so Shazham! I think it helped. And even if it didn't help, it's fun to use. I like to make people feel special. And what better way then to devote to them? Is it so much to ask that you all /bow to Oprah? I didn't think so.

World Domination!

Um... So then Schutz came to Greppin and my rescue last night and saved us from beetles and raised us! My Hero!! Thanks again Schutz!

Quote Time!

And last, but certainly not least, Here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for! Drum Roll Please!
That's right. Tramp rocks.

Oct 22, 2008

Ghoulishly Good

Do you see it too?! Maybe it's just all of this Halloween Event stuff. Maybe it's just... That time of the year... Do you see it? Look closely at the back of my O-hat. Emerging from the shadows you can see a skull! I've taken the liberty of highlighting it in the lower picture, for your viewing pleasure. hahaha. Isn't that creepy? I never noticed it until now. Maybe it's all the events I've been doing with Lola. Here are a few more pictures.

This is when Lola and I killed that dumb thing to get our practically useless, but freakin' awesome looking Eerie Cloaks +1! Which, we could never have done without Tramp. The Automaton's HP regen and stoneskin at level 1 completely owned this guy. Not to mention made killing the Wraith bats extremely easy. Facile! That's french for easy. I think haha. Now that we've had our french lesson for the week, here are more pictures of the event!

I would just like to take a moment to make a shout out to SE.... After trading 1,512 cookies to NPCs located all over Windurst, I still do not have my Treat Staff II...Why do you hate me? ; ; While I'm doin' shout outs...

Congratulations to myself! 75WHM and Congratulations to Kachiko! 75 RNG!

Nyzul Isle

Well our Nyzul runs on Thursday and Sunday weren't complete wastes! We somehow managed to go 3/4 Sunday and 3/3 on Thursday! Sunday we ran two floor 20 bosses. Fafnir and Adamantoise. We reached both boss floors with very little time left in our run. Which in the end caused our downfall on Fafnir. We made Turtle soup out of Adamantoise! Such an easy NM.

So anyways, we are really starting to rock Nyzul runs. I wonder if it gets any more difficult after floor 35? Looks like we'll have to wait and see! I'm not too worried though. We're pretty leet, don'tcha know! On the plus side, we did end up getting 4 Werebusters to drop! And I snagged me one! Doesn't that picture of me remind you of Frankenstein? Like I'm one of the angry villagers chasing after Frankenstein's monster! I dunno, just the club and the fire and the face it just screams 'chase the monster'. hahaha. Now I can get my new WS while I skill up club! See kids, procrastinating DOES pay off! And at floor 35 I only need 4640 points!
Don't you just love the ??? drops in Nyzul? I know Schutz does! Hahaha

You tell that BLU Mnejing! We pups won't be pushed around any longer! Viva le Revolution! Anyways I did some more ToAU missions this week! I'm really diggin' the plot focusing on Puppetmasters. I guess SE felt so bad when they gimped the job they decided to at least give us some notoriety in the missions. Yay for us! The Khimaira 13 fight was super easy. I love letting Dr. Shantoto do all the work! Hohohoho! And Schutz being the awesome PLD she is, sacrificed herself for the mission! Such a sweet heart! (Yeah I know there's no xp loss, but it's the thought that counts right?). After that easy fight we decided we should try the next one, Puppet in Peril! We wiped. But it was fun! And I'm sure we'll get it next time. It was down to 3%hp! And then our main DD died lol. And it was back up to 16%hp by
the time we all died. Meh, can't win 'em all right? Okay so the next part of this blog will be purely for quotes. There's a lot of them this week, and I'm not sure why. Actually a few of them kind of scare me, but, being a believer of free speach I'll post them anyway! You know, I thought about explaining some of these, but I think they're better if I don't. ^.^

Okay so I know I said I wasn't going to comment, but... If more people were like Rhaegar and saved me from myself I would be a much better ffxi player. And Nibbles is kinda like that creepy uncle that everyone has... ugh I just got goose bumps thinkin' about creepy uncles. I think I'll leave you with that scary thought.

Happy Halloween!

Oct 16, 2008

First the worst? I think not!

I would like to start by saying 'I'm glad I'm not as bad as this guy'....

I saw this on Yahoo when I was checking my mail and my jaw dropped. This 1 guy known only as 'Prepared' plays 36 characters at once...

Holy crap. I have a hard enough time keeping track of 1 macro set, could you imagine 36 instantaneously? Here's the link to the rest of the article.

Gosh now where do I start? How am I supposed to top playing 36 characters at once? Well let's start with Static fun!

So Monday we were rockin' it in CN tearing through those beetles like no ones business! We started the night at 37 and some of us ended the night at 41. Not bad for 4 hours. Besides that not much entertaining happened.

But Wednesday the static was finally getting interesting with some deaths! Poor Jokul and Kobe... But what can you do when the thing hits you for this much and you're a Taru? It's really not fair lol. I think they both only have around 600hp total.

And that is why I don't like spiders. Well, I don't mind them in game... I've never been killed by one ^.^ /cheer whm brd and pup. No aggros for me!

Flying Dick anyone? ... you know that really shouldn't be funny. But Jokul technically was raped by 3 flying dicks. >,> Thanks to a certain ingame pornstar who forgot to disband before Mijin Gakure. But there are no hard feelings. Jokul is used to death by now. Plus he's playing emo drk so I'm sure he enjoyed it much more then he let on! haha.

Oh, I progressed up to ToAU: Shield of Diplomacy ^.^ And let me tell you, that Naja is really starting to erk me. Is that how you spell erk? Maybe there's a u in it? Urk? ... She's pissin' me off! I wanted that cool crown! And what's with this Cardian being able to beat up an Automaton? Ha! Not my Tramp, no sir-e. Tramp knows how to deal w/ big ones.

Hahaha. Dirty puppet joke ftw! Oh speaking of Puppets....

Woot woot! Armor Piercer {You Can Have This.}
I haven't gotten to try it out on some of those Greater Colibri, yet, but when I do I'll def make sure to get screenies!! Oh yeah, that's Starblade w/ me, Tramp, and Pimy! Welcome back to FFXI dude!

Now for those of you who don't recognize this NM (which should be everyone haha) this is Tros, the BRD AF1 NM. To get that coveted Paper Knife! loldagger. And this is what I think of some Paper Knife...

Yeah... It's one of those throw away items. Kind of like most AF1 weapons. But what can you do? Everyones gotta do it. I can't wait for my real AF on brd. I'm useing Tarutaru RSE... I look way too colorful. Bright red and yellow. SE gives Tarus no breaks ; ;

So here's the set up for these next 3 pics.
Akullion was trying to send a picture to Lola's cell phone. Enter Pic one.

I enjoyed the joke so much I told her that I would be using it the next time a chance arose. Well Lola speaks french, and was saying 'Tomorrow', which is demain, I think. When I didn't recognize it she said I must be tired to which I responded, No....

I *Heart* Mari and Maho

And believe it or not, this next quote came from discussing what we should name our new LS...
I love how Gurrg appologized for it in the same sentence. Hahaha.

Not bad for my first serious post eh?