Jan 20, 2009

Optimistic Cynic

So after watching the Inauguration in my lit class one student asks another student "So who'd you vote for" and he replies "Oh I didn't want Obama or Mccain to win, I voted for Mickey Mouse".

I really should have said something then, but believe it or not, I'm very passive and shy. I know what you're thinking, Oprahruru shy? Pish, Posh! But it's true. Writing/typing gives me an outlet that, for some reason, makes me feel less judged then if I did it in person. Plus I'm a gossip, and feel better doing things behind peoples backs. But you all knew that. But back to the story at hand!

I wanted to turn to this kid and say something along the lines of "Way to give up what it means to be American" and then I would've laid into him with some long spiel about starving kids in Africa and Communisim in China or dictatorships in (North?) Korea. But I didn't. And honestly, he's not worth my time. If he went to all the trouble to vote for Mickey Mouse then obviously no amount of verbal bashing was going to change his mind.

And this is why I worry about the youth of the world. We look at our libirties as a right of birth, when in reality they should be looked at as a privlige. We've had it too good for too long. This reccession will hopefully be a nice big slap in the face to the youth and to what it really means to be American.

The FFXI update will be tomorrow or Thursday... We'll see.


Mattaru said...

Oprah gets political!
Mickey Mouse'd make a bad president. Nothing like going around in red pants to show the world what being a leader means.

And I agree. People need to get their priorities right. Even kids from across the coast care more about US politics than US Citizens. It's a huge decision, and they're going to be the ones bitching about the government after.

Lola said...

Hooooowwwwwllllllll !!!!!! you tell it ruru!! snap snap!

I can talk about this all year long. This has been a country very divided and hopefully a change really will come. Americans have been racist against their own kind. North v South, Metro v Rural, East Coast v West Coast, you name it we've got it. I know they talk about unity and such, but the americans are probably snootier than the french. We at least know to admit that we are. Anyways, i'm looking forward to the next 4 years...no matter how tough it may be.

Mattaru said...

Lola smells. (* ' ' *)

@Oprah: I will share my gender-bender mangas with you. Check out Maria Holic! :3

~ I will branch out as per your advice. If I'm ever successful as a writer, I'll put you in the credits somewhere as 'That geek I met on FF11, Fenrir'.

Much <3 Dust Stalkers <3

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even have wasted my breathe. Obviously he treats politics as a joke and is trying to hide that fact he knows nothing by his witty remark "I voted for Mickey Mouse." I bet if you even ask him the specific issues, he'll have no idea how to answer you. Unfortunately, politics is trendy right now so alot of "pretenders" will be out there trying to sound as though they know a thing or two about US issues.
Honestly its not just the youths of the world that overlook this privilege of being a US citizen. Many people, particularly the elder ones, live with the mentality "[Insert your state] always votes Democrat/Republican anyways so theres no point to even go out and vote." So don't feel so bad that "your people" are so lackluster when it comes to caring about the country they live in. In actuality, many people do this. And honestly would you have wanted this kid to have voted anyways?