Mar 25, 2009

I'm sure you knew this was coming.

But in my defense, the real update might be here sometime. Just not today. You can all blame FFIX.

No, I haven't been playing it. But I bought it, and found out my brother's PS2 is a POS so now I have to go buy a PS2, or find a PSx >,>

No update today, sorry kids.

Mar 18, 2009

Third Time's the Charm!

Wow - I think this is my record for actually posting on Wednesdays! I'm 3/3, so next week don't expect one. Ha!

Nah I'll keep trying for these lil' updates. It's much more doable; the updates don't take me 3 hours at a time.

Anyway, let's start out with Nyzul? Yeah. Let's switch the layout up a bit, gotta keep you on your toes right?

Okay so congratulations to Vebont and Akullion on their drops! Veb was filling in for Aku while he was in China (lucky duck!).

Um... Treabor is still waffling, but that's no surprise to anyone.

We do have too much fun sometimes. lol

so besides that, um nothing major happened, except I pulled a reverse Aku (Lola coined the term).

In my defense, it was an accident. >,>

Oh, and Schutz and I must be crazy because we are the only two that didn't grab a clerics drink on floor 20... How dare us! (sarcasm) lol Silly Lola, Trea, and Jokul!

So it's official! Lola, Jokul, and I are BAMFs!

We Trio'd the Ksnm 'Contaminated Colosseum'!~ Go us! And we got Lola the last item she needed for her Brown Belt, so congratulations to her!

In other news, I got my pld af sword! 2 levels late, but did you expect any less from me?

Oh and we, the Three Musketeers (no relation to the Bastok Musketeers, because they suck), tried two new vouchers in MMM. The crafting one and the NM one!

The crafting one, despite it's cool looks - is dumb. Boring. Lame. The End.

The NM one was exciting and fun! But, still, a little on the boring side. It wasn't much of a challenge to win, even with just us three.

So I will leave you, as I always leave you, with quotes. Please enjoy.

P.S. I had to see for myself if it was imortalized on the windurst AH... It is. And now it is on the Internet too!

Mar 11, 2009

Another Wednesday Update?! is that two in a row? Hot Damn!

Watch out Vana'diel, I'm on a roll! Look at this! Even Ronta-Onta knows how great I am! Now if only the LS would recognize! Gotta gimme mah props, yo!

But anyway. The COOL thing to do nowadays is to add your own name to your Blist. Though, as Sandwich and I found out, you can still see yourself typing. Lame!

And, as I promised, I have devised a deviously, devilish plan to deal with my ravenous Moogle. Bwhahaha! If he wants to eat fish, let him eat fish! But he is getting a part time job as a Nomad Moogle in Selbina to pay for them!!

I figure he'll last a week there, with all the noobs and then come crying to me and will be forced to stop eating the fish! Am I a genuis or what? Please hold your applause until the end of the update. Hohohohohoho!

In other news, Congratulations to me on my first real meripo on brd and pulling a chain 160! All by me lonesome! 5 Merits right there. I'm halfway done with my goal for the month! Maybe I'll raise it?

Congratulations also to a lot of the LS peeps on getting Bomb Queen Rings!

Oh, and Lola, if you're reading this, which I know you do, :P, Kobe has a Demon Helm +1 made and signed by cloud, and all I have is a NQ one signed by you. Now, I'm not trying to throw stones here or anything, but, are you going to let Cloud out do you?! He got the HQ on his 4th try. But yeah... I'm just putting that out there. >,>

Oh yeah... while we were out doin' BQ, we forced Schutz to do Ifrit Prime, and, because of two Tarutaru sacrifices (as seen below) we won, and she got her Ifrit's Blade for her BLU, Congratulations!

Ah, yes, and Lola is well on her way to getting her Brown Belt, just missing the Morboogie's Vine.

Which is a bitch, but I know she'll preservire!

Nyzul time already?

Well, Nyzul hasn't been the most successful lately, but um... We have fun?


Sorry there are so few, people just aren't as funny as they used to be. >,>

But anyway, enjoy them, they're goodin's - I'm off to find food, cuz I r hungry.

Mar 4, 2009

It's still Wednesday!

Well here's an update and it's actually on Wednesday! Who woulda thunk it? Not a lot of the people in my LS who think I'm this horrible procrastinator...

But that just shows how much they know me, cuz I am a horrible procrastinator. I literally sat around watching dumb daytime television repeats and shows just so I didn't have to do this. I'm bad, I know.

Let's start with the Moogle. Well it happened again. It keeps eating my fish, and buying new fish is not cheap! This moogle is eating me out of Moghouse and Moghome! But I know exactly how I am going to deal with his defiant ass... Bwhahahaha.

I believe the word you're looking for is plagarism. And I don't claim to have said these funny things, hence why I keep your names next to it :P - I do take full credit for any laughs produced while reading this blog, including from those about what other people have said.

Nextly, Congratulations, err late congratulations, to Jokul, Lola, Akullion and I on attaining Corporal rank :D

Nyzul is always fun! And now our group is 5/6 on Goliard Saios.... Isn't that pathetic? 0 Denali bodies, but freakin' 5 Goliards. LAME.

Speaking of lame, way to go Nyzul computer, giving us attack speed down pathos on a lamp floor. >,>

And speaking a little lamer still, Congratulations to Schutz for winning the lot on a Spelunker's Hat!

Oh, and we have too much fun in Nyzul, but you all knew this.

Finally congratulations to Jokul on obtaining the Scholar Nyzul WS - I have no idea what the name is, but it looks smart doesn't it?!

And last, but certainly not least, Quotes. Please do enjoy.