Apr 22, 2009

I bet you're invidious


It's today's word of the day from dictionary.com - It's a fun way to learn new words that I probably won't remember for very long after I read them. But fun nonetheless.

So the semester in winding down, thank god. It's not that I dislike taking classes, it's just that 15 weeks of the same classes gets dull. I dunno, especially in these courses that don't really challenge me, or intrigue me. But you don't come here to read about me and my melodramatic life, do you? So onward ho to Vana'diel!

It's been a little slow, not many things happening outside of the static and nyzul - but I'm not complaining, FF9 is more than filling the gap for me. Oh! And I, as of today, have started on my Fanart submission! I'll post it here when it's done! Which will be before next tuesday, because I'm using it as my final in my art class. So it's got a due date! Which is great, especially if I ever intend to finish it.


So here's Nyzul again. With the new WHM JA Afflatus Solace I can make Behemoth my bitch. Yeah, you like that don't you Behe.

Besides that, we've been getting a steady amount of drops as of late, and Treabor got his cuffs after he let them hit the floor a week or two ago, but no one remembers that. Or they didn't until I reminded them. Bwhahahaha!

And our fearless leader, Schutz, was itnimidated! Which surly jolted our groups confidence quite a bit. But we recovered and we haven't lost a floor in a while. knock on wood. So everything is right in the world again.

We are hovering around level 56 in our static right now and these DD's are really making my tanking life much harder than it should be. But that's okay, I let a few people die on monday >,> - but I blame Aluc. Why? Because everything is Aluc's fault, duh.

Now enjoy yourself some quotes!~

<3 Dah Oprah


Apr 15, 2009

Je t'aime, Paris

So my latest fascination as I'm sure you're all aware of is Paris, and France in general. Yeah. I won't bore you with all of the things I want to say about them. But! There is a new secret, look forward to me sharing it with you next Wednesday!!

Ah, but we still have that little issue about last weeks issue. What could the secret from last week be? Any guesses? No? Okay fine, I'll let you all in.

I didn't write it.

Did we have you fooled? I was complaining to Lola about writing it, and she was at work, bored, so I set it up with all the photos and she wrote about it, pretending to be me!!

Do I really talk like that? err type like that? Perhaps I do.

I'm not helping my case, am I?

Okay moving on, last Wednesday was update day! So it's been a week and I'm still utterly confused as to how to use most of the new spells.

I rearranged my macro palettes, but all it's done is confused me even more. So I need to come up with a solution.

Wednesday evening, if you wanted to head to Rabao to buy the new WHM spells, this chocobo was going to cost you! I decided against buying one and ran my stubby lil' taru legs over there.

And the Easter egg-vent is going on! I got all the new items, but didn't take a picture... hmmm Shame on me. But the moogle thinks I rock, so why not, right?

Oh, one thing I do have to say about the new WHM JA's...

Okay, so I think the pictures have more to say than I do, but Holy is starting to rock my socks! The Hexa strike may have been a fluke, but I still like seeing that number.


So nyzul is fun as always! They never do stop razing me though. It's okay I deserve it, I guess. Oh, but I have to point and laugh at Treabor for this one. We did a floor 60 and got the Goliard cuffs to drop - At first everyone lotted then, we decided it was Treabor's Prio - so they all passed. Problem was, Trea waffled, and we didn't have the 3 min auto-sort time remianing, so we exited with 10 seconds left to get our tokens and points toward rank ups. Sorry oldster.

Well that was kind of a short update, but these quotes... Boy oh boy do they make up for it. There are some gems in this batch, let me tell you! If you don't laugh at at least one of these then you can just GTFO

<3 always


Apr 8, 2009

Hooray For Hump Day!!!

Well well well, if it isn't another Wednesday post. I'll let you in on a little secret next week unless you can figure it out beforehand. And if you do, one big Maho 100 cooking cookie coming your way. Congrats Mahorosamasan. Don't you just love secrets and rewards??

So first off, I would like to mention that not only am I rich and black, but I really am really famous! Please meet Lesil, one of my many fans! Who by chance accosted me in Vanadiel just the other day. Big shout out to Lesil! And for all you shy fans out there, come out and say hi if you see me on, I don't bite.

We attempted to 3 man a ZNM and we ended pk'ing. There's nothing like being overloaded and getting slammed for 500 a swing. Just you wait Ob, Tramp will get her revenge!!!! We'll get you yet!!!

So I've been a really busy little tarutaru this week. I got me a parade gorget, partially thanks to Kobe...although I truly believe I could've gotten it on my own. Ok, I lie, maybe not. But you know how I am, lazy and procrastinating, I got it 10 mins before my static started. We did manage to get to level 50 so it wasn't all for naught. One of these days, I'm gonna have me a tanking contest! May the best taru win, or Schutz...

Rank 10

In addition, I finally finished the Windurst missions with my fellow tarutarians Lola and Jokul. So a big congratulations to us! That Star Sibyl, she's something else. I would love to say that it's a great amazing delicious storyline, but ranking up a level or two every 6 months or so, well, let's just say mission 8-1 to the end was great! No worries, no spoiler here!

And big thanks to Mariane and Sindar for coming to help clean Dirty Girk's messy roofless house. Him and his friends, they sure know how to throw a party! We had us a little siesta afterwards, nothing like a good power nap.


So, one of my favorite part of the game, Nyzul. Who does not like Nyzul?? It's always fun fun fun fun fun. I love how it's never ever the same. At times, floor 10 can be super duper hard and floor 100 would be cake. However, I have to say it is most fun when we get drops. And thanks to Lola's [incredibly tough] TH, we've been 5/5 on drops. Check out some of our goodies!

Treabor, you're lucky those Goli feet didn't drop, I would've laughed my ass off! There's hope for you yet!

Alrighty Folks, this is where i leave for 7 whole days. Fear not, there will always be dessert.
