Dec 31, 2008

!~ Happy Holidays ~!

Happy Holidays and a very Merry New Year to you and yours!

So Lola and I tried some Moblin Maze Mongers, MMM. It is actually very fun! Lola described it as a Mini-Nyzul, and I think she hit the nail on the head with that one!

But then we got Elementals, and didn't win ; ;. Well what do you expect, PUP and BLU vs DC+ Elementals? Ah, well. Still lots of fun!

Okay, well I'm in quite a bit of a hurry, so the pictures are all kind of out of place, but I'll describe it all anyway.

So in Nyzul I finally got my Goliard Chapeau! And Jokul got his Denali something or anothers, and Treabor got something, but it's been so long I hav eno idea what.

And the linkshell had their secret santa party in the Kokba Hostel in WG. Wow talk about a ton of fun. If you're not in our LS I would def suggest you talk your LS into doing this!

Our static is really pushing along too! I hit 71 last night, and the rest are anywhere from 68-70, I think. But we only have a few more for sure runs, so let's hope we get everyone to at least 72 :D.

Oh and I also got Herder's Subligar. Kinda lol for 75 pup, but if I ever have to level sync so low and happen to be using the melee frame, sure why not. But it's the thought that counts right?

Oh and Rixie, being the sweet heart she is, made me a goldfish bowl! She's so nice! So I bought her a Flora Flora or something like that. I forget the name, but it's a giant flower and lights up at night!

Okay enjoy the quotes :D

Dec 22, 2008


1. conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.
2. a prescribed or accepted code of usage in matters of ceremony, as at a court or in official or other formal observances.

Is it just me? Or has party etiquette in FFXI changed since the introduction of Level Sync? It seems that no matter what level I try to sync to and what job I'm on our party always gets over camped. And we would politely ask them to leave, but they don't. For example, we were in Qufim Island at 'the valley' a pugil camp, I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about if you've been through there recently. But anyway, an hour or so in this other party shows up and literally camps right on top of us. They didn't camp behind us, or move or even respond to our pleas for them to move. Instead they pulled two or three pugs at a time!

I just don't understand. If there are people where you want to be, you're out of luck! Don't try to camp on top of them, you're just going to gimp your xp and that parties xp. It's not worth it to constantly be fighting over spawns either. It just makes the game too stressful!

And the fact of the matter is, if you're nice, nice things will happen to you. Karma bitches! So next time you're riding around on a chocobo hurrying off to your oh-so-important event and you see a dead taru (or mithra, galka, elvaan, or hume (though tarus are the cutest)) get off your choco and lend a raise. Who knows maybe you will make a new friend that day.

Okay so like I said in my last post, I was perusing youtube when I came across a bunch of cool renditionings of FFXI music! So here are my favorites!

This first one is a great video, imo, to send people who are interested in FFXI. While it doesn't show very much, I think they did a great job wetting our apetites!

This second video is an acoustic version of the the music in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah - one of my favorite places to be, music wise. But go ahead and skipp forward to 2:00 - the first two minutes are the preformer putting a stocking over his face and yeah... Still a good video.

And this third video is actually from FFVII, but still great as a throwback!

I have a few more videos to share, but those will wait for another update!

Dec 19, 2008

I'm really quite good at procrastinating, I promise!

Okay so last week it was a day late, and now this week it's two days late.... Sooner or later I'll end up just forgetting to post for a month at a time xD. And I guess it's not really forgetting, it's more like I'll be in game or out and about instead of posting. You may not know this, but I am a horrible procrastinator. I had a few papers to write for my finals and they didn't get done until the morning of the class. But they got done! And that's what counts, right?

So, I really like this song by P!nk, 'Glitter in the Air' So I'm going to share the video with you. I don't know what it is, but something about this song has me spellbound.

Okay now onto the real FF stuff you come here for. Let's start with Nyzul.

So we have really been rockin' out Nyzul Isle lately! Goin' 3/3 and 4/4 most of the time. On sunday we went 3/3 and on two of those runs we got drops! And then I don't remember last Thursday, but Schutz got a drop so we must have done well, right?

And we even won with crappy floors like this one >,>

I think we're just getting too good for our own good! But I'm not complaining! Wootz! Goliard looks so cool. I want that hat!

Oh, I guess now is as good as any to do Quote of the Week. This week Schutz had 7 or so quotes! Which almost beat Kobe and Mattaru's records, but not quite. But I think the coveted Quote of the Week Award goes to.... {Drumroll} {Can I Have It?}

Schutz! Though, I can't really pick just one though, I think it's a combination of all of her quotes that make me happy. You will find them down in the Quote's section. They are all very funny.

So I just got Hexa Strike last night! Wootz!! I'm actually accomplishing goals! Look at me now! Grwar! <( ^.~)b So then in the Static, we were puttin' out some crazy numbers! By we I mean Jokul and Vex, and Kobe's Nin wasn't too bad. We hit 66 Wednesday so we're well on our way to 75 ^^

And Jokul, Lola, Blackdragon, and I went out and got ourselves Rank 8!

Where we met a cool French Taru!

Quote Time!~

So I was also on Youtube looking up FF stuff when I ran across these cool things! Oh, But I'll save that for my next update. I'm going to try and update twice a week. That way if I skip one because of procrastination then It doesn't really matter :D