Dec 31, 2008

!~ Happy Holidays ~!

Happy Holidays and a very Merry New Year to you and yours!

So Lola and I tried some Moblin Maze Mongers, MMM. It is actually very fun! Lola described it as a Mini-Nyzul, and I think she hit the nail on the head with that one!

But then we got Elementals, and didn't win ; ;. Well what do you expect, PUP and BLU vs DC+ Elementals? Ah, well. Still lots of fun!

Okay, well I'm in quite a bit of a hurry, so the pictures are all kind of out of place, but I'll describe it all anyway.

So in Nyzul I finally got my Goliard Chapeau! And Jokul got his Denali something or anothers, and Treabor got something, but it's been so long I hav eno idea what.

And the linkshell had their secret santa party in the Kokba Hostel in WG. Wow talk about a ton of fun. If you're not in our LS I would def suggest you talk your LS into doing this!

Our static is really pushing along too! I hit 71 last night, and the rest are anywhere from 68-70, I think. But we only have a few more for sure runs, so let's hope we get everyone to at least 72 :D.

Oh and I also got Herder's Subligar. Kinda lol for 75 pup, but if I ever have to level sync so low and happen to be using the melee frame, sure why not. But it's the thought that counts right?

Oh and Rixie, being the sweet heart she is, made me a goldfish bowl! She's so nice! So I bought her a Flora Flora or something like that. I forget the name, but it's a giant flower and lights up at night!

Okay enjoy the quotes :D


Mattaru said...

Found the comment box at last.
Happy New Year Oprah :) Lovely pics.

I miss you guys already. Your taru is as always, looking super-cute. Why do you have female pixels? I want female pixels D:

LOL@Jokul. You can't resist D:

Oh, funny funny funny~

Mattaru said...

LOOOOOOOOOL @ prince of bel air, lmao <33333

Treabor said...

Great read as always Ruru!!!