Feb 18, 2009

7 Degrees of Oprahruru

So I was thinking, "I'm pretty famous..." And you know what? I'm right! Why wouldn't I be famous? I mean my awesome sense of humor, and charming personality, who could resist?

Now there's even another reason for me to be famous! Check out what I look like after an awesome make-over at some snooty salon in Paris!

Pretty awesome right? And check out that awesome outfit! And those green eyes! They're only color-contacts, but it's the thought that counts right?

My moogle is such a lush. I swear, I keep putting fish into this damn tank, and that damn moogle just keeps eating them! I'ma have to do somethin' about this... Stay tuned for my solution!

I was in Jeuno the other day, and I came across this pile of dead bodies...

Kool-aid Cults are so 1990's...

We were all partying in Yuhtunga, when this party came out and pulled all the mobs and killed them infront of us... So after we finished partying, we returned the favor by sleepga 2ing them... I hate bitches.


While I was in Jeuno with Lola and Jokul, I decided to have our fortune's told. This first one is Lolas and mine.

This next one is mine and Jokuls...

Next I would like to congratulate all of the people in the linkshell that have gotten the Joyeuse over the past week or two.

Next, let's congratulate all of the people that have gotten the Sirocco Kukri. Including Lola, Snaga, and Gurrg!

And of course, Congratulations to Lola for attaining level 75 Whm :D

I also did the Sleepga 2 quest and Retrace quest.

and look at that smexy Slug Shot damage from Kobe!


Lately we've been doing a lot of CoP stuff, so I thought I would share our adventures and a couple of screenshots from that.

All in all it's been a lot of fun! And not as bad as everyone keeps telling me it is, but we're only up to 3-5, so we'll see. Haha.


Well Nyzul is going well. We FINALLY saw a pair of Goliard Clogs drop!

but Jokul outlotted both me and Treabor...

Oh, and if Aku stops trying to leave in the middle of Nm fights, things would go much better.



Anonymous said...

LOL, loved this weeks installment. I'm glad you proved naysayers wrong about this being a monthly/quarterly updated blog =P.

My vote for quote of the week goes to......

Akullion and his "juiced like A-Rod." Gotta love it!

Mattaru said...

The first pictures were cute.
Did you use .dat hackz, wardrobe or?

Hehe. Congrats on scrolls!

Mattaru said...

PS: I want a Lola-in-a-box.

get cosplaying, girl!

Lola said...

PS: i want Lola-in-a-box too!!