Feb 11, 2009

!*~-.Update Extravaganza.-~*!

Well, well, well... So we meet again. Now I know it's been too long, but... Okay so I don't have a good excuse. Anyway, this is a HUGE update... I guess that's what happens when you wait 2 weeks instead of 1 to update. oh vell... It is what it is.

So to start things out, Congratulations to Mrs. and Mr. Nibbles on their new baby boy! In ten or eleven years or so he'll be addicted to FFXI just like his daddy! It'll be a proud day, for sure.

Secondly, Congratulations to Mariane for FINALLY getting 75 blm!

Another fun thing that happened in the past week... or two... Lola and I had an HQ off! I won too!!

And you know what, I am starting to fear for my life. This blog is a hazard to my well being!! Look at what Treabor said!

And I'll have you know, that was typed spitefully! You can tell by the font..... >,> Okay so not really.

Okay so... I'm really sick of Nyzul Isle Floor 20. GIVE ME MAH SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But on a less... eccentric note, Congratulations to Lola, Jokul, and Aku!

Okay, so there's not much more for me to write about.... But this next section is more than large enough to settle your cravings.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net



Anonymous said...

LOL, nice update.
I vote on Rokan's quote about "The internet is the place where the Men are men, the women are men, and the childred are FBI agents" as the quote of the week/month/quarter!

So Oprah, how can you expect people to leave comments on your blog if you don't update it frequent enough for people to check!

P.S. Great read btw keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Bah...I trusted you! ;_; Sadly your screenshot clearly shows you getting the Fishing Skill Up without the use of the fishing suit. So heartbroken. -_-;;

I would agree with Jokul about the quote of the week/month/quarter, but as with all things that is yet another thing Rokan reads on the internet then spews out again immediately after as his own clever thought.

Mattaru said...

"We told you not to question Ruru"

Cute. Who's holding the whip?

Mattaru said...

I'm interested in the Big Mac Incident

Anonymous said...

wow ruru.. first time i read the blog and its awsome :) some funny stuff u put up keep it goin :D laughs all around!
