Mar 18, 2009

Third Time's the Charm!

Wow - I think this is my record for actually posting on Wednesdays! I'm 3/3, so next week don't expect one. Ha!

Nah I'll keep trying for these lil' updates. It's much more doable; the updates don't take me 3 hours at a time.

Anyway, let's start out with Nyzul? Yeah. Let's switch the layout up a bit, gotta keep you on your toes right?

Okay so congratulations to Vebont and Akullion on their drops! Veb was filling in for Aku while he was in China (lucky duck!).

Um... Treabor is still waffling, but that's no surprise to anyone.

We do have too much fun sometimes. lol

so besides that, um nothing major happened, except I pulled a reverse Aku (Lola coined the term).

In my defense, it was an accident. >,>

Oh, and Schutz and I must be crazy because we are the only two that didn't grab a clerics drink on floor 20... How dare us! (sarcasm) lol Silly Lola, Trea, and Jokul!

So it's official! Lola, Jokul, and I are BAMFs!

We Trio'd the Ksnm 'Contaminated Colosseum'!~ Go us! And we got Lola the last item she needed for her Brown Belt, so congratulations to her!

In other news, I got my pld af sword! 2 levels late, but did you expect any less from me?

Oh and we, the Three Musketeers (no relation to the Bastok Musketeers, because they suck), tried two new vouchers in MMM. The crafting one and the NM one!

The crafting one, despite it's cool looks - is dumb. Boring. Lame. The End.

The NM one was exciting and fun! But, still, a little on the boring side. It wasn't much of a challenge to win, even with just us three.

So I will leave you, as I always leave you, with quotes. Please enjoy.

P.S. I had to see for myself if it was imortalized on the windurst AH... It is. And now it is on the Internet too!


Anonymous said... know, you told me there was a special "picture" you were going to place in the blog that I should watch out for. So I waited patiently and patiently and I couldn't figure out which you had meant having looked on all the previous recent posts. :p

But there it is. :p Thankfully you don't show what the item is, so I can contextlessly-say I am quite the entrepreneur in turning something worth 10 gil in value to 10,000 gil in 3 short years. ^o^ ¥O$$HA!

Congrats again on Malboogie!

Mattaru said...

lol, what was that item Schutz?
Congratulations again Oprah - and LOL at entering floor 21 - I did that the first time I did Nyzul, and we jummped to floor 6. The whole group was like "..."

( ; ; ) ~ ~
The totem pole looks cool. Looks like I chose to leave FF at a bad time, the MMM looks fun.

My love to you all <3

Anonymous said...

LOL...I missed schutz's "instinct" comment when we did the MMM, I LOLed IRL!

I love doing low-man stuff...You, Lola and I are definitely BAMFs but you forgot one other person, TRAMP!

HAHA how epic was that molboogie fight with the wipe reset and win with 21 secs to spare!
Fun times!