Remember back in January-ish when I wrote about a stupid kid in my lit class? If not, here's the link for a quick refresher.
Well this gentleman said something along the lines of:
"I am completely for the death penalty. I think if you get put in jail you should get the death penalty. I mean think about it, if we killed everyone who went to jail there wouldn't be any problems with prison overcrowding. And I mean there are death penalty programs that are costing states money. That's just so dumb, just kill 'em already!"
Now, don't get me wrong, I am for the death penalty, an eye for an eye and all. (Though on a quick side not, Mahatma Ghandi did say "An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.”) Now, obviously I don't want it taken that far, but there are some people who commit such heinous crimes that there is no rehabilitation for them through the prison systems.
But back to Captain Jackass over there. The prison system is in place to try and rehabilitate criminals so that they can become functioning members of society. Does it actually work? Well, that's not up to me to decide, but killing people instead of sending them to jail is ridiculous. What happens when someone is wrongly accused? What, we find out 6, 7, 8 months down the road that we killed an innocent man?
And while prison overcrowding is an issue we as a nation have to deal with, there are better ways. Though, I do recall hearing an interesting fact that close to 80% of people who leave prison to join society again do something to get back into prison within the next year. It was also insinuating that the ex-criminals do this because life in prison is so cushy - 3 meals a day, hobby activities, a bed, and a roof over their heads. Perhaps some sort of half-way house like is done with former drug addicts could improve the rehabilitation success rate?
Okay, enough with the heavy, onto the fun!
And then! Another Goliard dropped! And I won! But, and then Askar dropped, and I won! Though, no one else wanted, I think.
And Schutz got some fancey red shoes to click together on her blu.
Oh yeah... And Lola and Treabor are {Too Weak} Lols
Dynamis is going good! Lots of drops for us. I found out Jokul got some Sch and Drk yesterday too, so congratulations there. But one funny thing here - I lotted the whm pants, and yet they autosorted to Starblade... I dunno how it happened, but it's not a very important peice anyways, and it's not very rare, so I'm okay with it. Oh yeah, I cleared Jeuno so now I can do ice zones, fun fun.
Well I guess I'll leave you with the quotes for the past two weeks +. Sorry about the late updates, but you know me. I love to procrastinate. I forget who said this, but Procrastination forces creativity.
Have a great weekend. I hope to see you in game. :)
<3 Oprah.
Prison overcrowding is mostly a tax issue. So if we start by cutting back prison expenses, I say we start by taking away the cable TV. It's not that I don't believe in rehabilitating criminals. I just don't believe in free cable TV. Seems obvious to me that if we make prison a place where people actually want to avoid, people will try to avoid it and not go back.
""I am completely for the death penalty. I think if you get put in jail you should get the death penalty. I mean think about it, if we killed everyone who went to jail there wouldn't be any problems with prison overcrowding. And I mean there are death penalty programs that are costing states money. That's just so dumb, just kill 'em already!"
Holy fucking LOL, why isn't this guy the president already?
Nice quotes as usual :D ~ LOL @ Bob the builder. Glad to see you're making headway with Dynamis too ^^ Are those a-holes treating you nice?
I think I'm the only one still typing in /l mode, so that's why you quote me so often. ;_;
As for criminals, I am a bleeding heart liberal (in spite of trying to be moderate in all other ways) but I do detest the notion that prison is such a comfortable experience. I first found this out back in highschool when a classmate of mine told me her mom worked at a minimum security facility and how it really was almost like living at the YMCA or such in terms of services and conveniences.
Just this year, California voted on many ballot initiatives regarding prison overpopulation and alternative drug rehab programs designed to remove "light sentences" from serving time in crowded jails. The critique, of course, is that this then pushes these same people back onto the street--making the jail the metaphoric "revolving door" and eliminating the "deterrent factor" of fearing jail time and arrest.
The study by the state put the average annual cost (over high/medium/minimal security facilities) of incarceration per person to be $56,000 USD a year. I was shocked because if those same people lived outside of the system, most wouldn't even MAKE $56k a year and instead of contributing anything they only cost everyone else for their comfortable existence.
So the ideal solution to this all isn't very clear. Obviously this sort of treatment of criminals came due to the prison reforms in the 20th century, whereas before jails (and mental health facilities) were terrible places to have to go, almost like the stereotypical Russian "gulag" camp.
My view, personally, is that we allow jails to exist as they are but remove all amenities and reintroduce extreme prison labour. Building new roads and other machine-intensive public works should be done by prisoners. It is not a death penalty, and for certain we can get $56k of labour out of someone if we are going to put that much into keeping them alive. Certainly the "earn your keep" methodology is standard in the military, and no one balks at that.
I personally think that idea is still humane, is fiscally responsible, supports the local infrastructure, and even creates some deterrent value for those who may or may not commit a crime thinking of what might happen if they are caught.
Plus I always liked the movie "Cool Hand Luke" LOL. :p
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