Jun 29, 2009

The Mystery Continues!

Welcome one and all to the world famous Master of Manipulation blog! (I may be embellishing a little)

This week we have a special Two-Part Mystery Update!

Part 1: It is up to you, the loyal fanboy, or fangirl, to scour the quotes section (the only section of this update by the by) and locate the three Green 'X's like this one.

(Actual size may vary)

Part 2: Whoever is the first person to locate all three of the 'X's and post their quote locations in the comments gets a special mystery prize, that will be announced in the next update.

So in the spirit of competition....

On your mark

Get Set



Mattaru said...

Unbelievable Ruru :P Cant' spot those x's at all.

Good to see you updating again.

Lola said...

i found them!! i found them!!!

Oprahruru said...

Post what quote pictures they're in or it doesn't count!

Leo said...

ops .... I posted ...

The Mint Flavored Pudding recovers 1125 HP.

Jokul said...

Damn only found 2!

Oprahruru said...

You can do it! Keep looking!

Schutz said...

LOL Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ftw!

Were you inspired by the mog tablet quest? :p

Schutz said...

So the mystery words are...

"...um where eXactly do you work?"

"...any eXcuse to get out of updating the blog :p"

"3X THF in 1 party..."

X Marks the Spot!!

Those were the only (mint/LS chat) green "x" charas I saw...unless you meant "Fomor Codex", which is actually the only really viridian green "x" similar to your sample. :p

Did I get the Golden Wonka Ticket?!?
Oompa loompa doompaty doo...

And no one believed me when I said Oprah's "mysterious change-up" would be to change his blog topic from video-games to his twisted sexual-escapades...hiding his gratuitous "XXX" subliminal messages here... >.>;;

Jokul said...

Ok these are the 2 green X spots that I saw...

First Quote

"Stringing Pummel does 1128 damages"
right after that quote there is an x

Second x i found is in the quote box with schutz mentioning Lola/Jokul/Oprahruru about Paris.
Look REALLY carefully in the upper right corner of that quote box...it' there.

I can't find the last one..I'll keep searching!

Jokul said...

I think the mystery is that there is no 3rd x!

Oprahruru said...

Woo Jokul found the first two!! The third one I made very tricky.

And you caught me Schutz 'XXX' marks the spot. hahaha.

Treabor said...

I found the same 2 Jokul did so far. This last X is quite tricky.

Jokul said...

Is the last one in the bottom left corner (next to schutz's name) of the quote box with Schutz saying "Master of Sexual Manipulation"? Or is that just dirt on my computer screen?