Aug 25, 2009

Trea-bute to Tri-bor

Well, I went all the way back to the beginning of the blog and found any and all quotes of Treabors. And I was going to type a bunch of memories up about him, you know, the good, the bad, and the waffle - but I had a late night lol. Please don't misunderstand my laziness and think I don't care, I do! But I'll be 20 tomorrow and my memory is fading. I think it's all this time I spent with Trea. He's contagious!

Well old buddy, it's been a hoot. Again, I wish you the best in the future, and we are so meeting in Chicago for some deep-dish pizza. You already agreed to it.

Fenrir will be that much less sarcastic without you. :)

Treabor, Created 2005 - Uncreated Aug 21, 2009

1 comment:

Lola said...

hahahah how some of those quotes sure made me laugh!!!!