Mar 14, 2010

Secret Update

I'm not sure why, but I feel compelled to update this. It's been, well, too long. I would do the math and tell you how many months, but, no, just no.

Let's start with a recap of my life, and Oprah's life. (Not the rich black woman, the poor tarutaru puppetmaster).

I'm still attending school. I think I will always be attending school, but that's alright with me. I enjoy it; I love to learn - what can I say, I'm a dork. I've changed my Major a few times and in the fall I'll be transferring out of community college into a real University. It's a bit daunting. It shouldn't be, but it is. All of the silly things I have to do - plus getting financial aid set up. I've been fortunate enough to pay for my college up until now out of pocket, but with university coasts I can't do it anymore. So student loan time. I'm working, still. It's a reoccurring theme in our lives - work. Everyone complains about their job. It's never good enough for them or it's too 'hard' or they just hate it for no other reason than conversation. I have no qualms with my job. It's an easy-to-do, low pressure, low expectation job. Do I want to do it forever? Maybe. Not for the job, or the pathetic pay, but for the people. I enjoy all of the people there and their witty banter, if nothing else. (I only dislike two people that work there.)

Now on to Oprah. She's been pretty stagnant lately. That's my fault, really. I just don't have the passion I used to for FFXI, but I do enjoy it when I'm on it. Especially with the new Static we're having. I'm playing RDM. Fun. It's actually a bit repetitive and I don't even have Haste to cast yet. But again, the people keep me there. Another reoccurring theme: People. I'm still working on WW, but it's slow. I don't remember when the last time I merited was. But I'm a tit-bit excited for the new updates SE has in store.

I haven't been writing in my story much. Or at all, really. It's all in my head, semi-planned out, but just not on paper yet. I have been writing poetry a bit. It's on my facebook if you'd like to check it out. Though, this secret update is really more for me than any of you. (No offense)

Okay, fine, here's a poem I wrote that I like:


She wears the finest silks,
precariously on her curves.
Her face, her nails, her hair,
- done up.

Her smile fronting,
they call to her,
“My dear, Cecelia, my dear,
How we adore you so!”

She fans her lashes;
flushes her cheeks –
They dote and swoon,
drooling, like the Dane.

They call out to her, again,
She hides behind her fan,
smoky-eyed and teasing.

Her mini-skirt revealing,
yet somehow quite concealing,
the naughty bits,
they all long to see.

She teased, plucked,
showered, and shaved
the night before
Your big day.

Your time has come:
The dim lit room.
The well-worn mattress.
Her… fee.

Stuffed in an envelope,
freshly banked dollars,
crisp as autumn mornings,
flirting with her eyes.

Cecelia smirks,
warming you through.
What is it
that you’d like her to do?

Maybe there won't be 5 months before my next post. But maybe there will be. Who knows, really? Not me.

Best wishes,


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