Nov 23, 2008

Final Fantasy XI: Mini Expansions

So I may be last to know, but I thought I would post these pictures of the 3 new mini expansions. Enjoy

I absolutely love the Shantotto one! It just screams "I'ma bad ass fuggin' taru, bitch!"

For more information on these please visit here.


Mattaru said...

Hell yeah :)
I'm looking forward to that one.
It's all rabid fanservice though!
All the expansions are Shantotto-central it seems. I'm such a rabid Shantotto fanboy though, that it doesn't really matter.

Hotness. The moogle one seems interesting too.
I don't like the idea we have to pay for them though ._.

Oprahruru said...

Well, yeah that is kinda a down side. But I think they'll be worth it. And the theory is it'll only be somewhere around $10 per mini expansion. The worst part is, I don't think there are any New Jobs coming with these. /cry