Nov 7, 2008

Ask Oprahruru

Hey everyone!

I know it's not wednesday so I shouldn't be updating, but I've been thinking and I wanna start a new 'column' in my blog: the Ask Oprahruru section. All you have to do is send me an email at with any question be it about a personal situation or a ffxi gear comparison. You will always be anonymouse, so please sign your email with a 'tag'. For example: FFxi Addict, SuperChef, etc.

Well I hope to hear from you all soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oprah nibbs here. pass a msg to the guys that i'll be out of game for awhile. My 2 kids are sick and i don't have time to log on. I'll see you guys when lucas and linus feels better. Tks bro take care and have fun.